Hey there,
I feel silly, the NDI In top won’t detect my webcam in as a source, but my video device in TOP will.
I’ve tried just typing out the name of my webcam source inot the source name of the NDI top, but it usually comes back with the error “unable to find the selected source name”. Has anyone ever dealt with this before? I read it may be to do with a VPN but 1. I’ve made sure the VPN’s I work with are disabled and 2. why would the one TOP work but not the other?
Its normal, if your webcam is available as video device in, its a system video device, not a NDI channel.
From your video device in Top, you can connect a NDI out Top to create a NDI channel that you can receive in another part of your network.
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OMG it worked! You’re the best thank you so much! <3