I’ve tried using Zig Sim Pro to send NDI stream to my Macbook Pro M1.
I use the wired connection and the firewall is deactivated.
When using NDI Video Monitor the source can be detected without any problem. But I can’t get TD to see it. I’ve tried restarting both of my devices, but nothing has changed.
try to reset network security in apple > system settings > security > network
you should see TD in the list. If the switch is off, turn it on. If it is on try to set it off and then back on.
I’d recommend to get it working first with the 2 devices on the same wifi, that will remove another variable or the wired connection.
It worked out of the box for me, then I retested again after restarting TD and it would not connect like you report. The thing that fixed it was closing ZIG SIM Pro completely, (ie on iOS, shutting down the app not just going back to home screen), after I did this and restarted ZIG SIM Pro, the connection was available in the ‘Source Name’ parameter again.
I’ve tried shutting down and restarting the ZIG SIM Pro, but TD still can’t see the source.
In the following days, I’ll try to use a different laptop and a different wi-fi and report the results.
Hey Gallo I’ve been searching for about 2.5 hours now and just solved this exact issue because of this! THANK YOU! I had done literally every other step to solve including NDI tools, privacy/firewall/all that. everything but TD could see my feed and this was the solution. You rock!