Nearest/Interpolate input TOPs Preferences


Maybe this would be a minor wishlist request to you to achieve or maybe not, but i’m finding lately on my works that i’m putting every TOPs in “Nearest” state on input smoothness of common page tab. Both for a matter of pixel art aesthetics and for a matter of how i manipulate data.
In this context if i put a new top that don’t have this setting it will break all my chains and sometimes i find difficult to understand which one don’t have the nearest setting.

So it would be cool if there is a check button in preferences to choose for all TOPs to switch in Nearest or default Interpolate pixels.

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+1 Esp when doing Pointcloud and glsl stuff this can be a big source of error,

I agree. Let’s say I have a low-res Noise TOP with “Nearest Pixels” selected.

For every new TOP I add after it, I have to change it from “Interpolate” to “Nearest”.

Not only that, but I have to change both “Input Smoothness” and “Viewer Smoothness” in every operator. When does anyone wish for these to be separate?

The resolution automatically gets passed down, so I wish the same would apply for the nearest/interpolate setting.

Actually, the OP Find DAT can set every new TOP to 32-bit float RGBA and Nearest pixel:

Thanks for the tip, Elburz! Secret TouchDesigner Operator Tricks With paketa12 & Elburz - YouTube

opfind.toe (3.7 KB)

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+1 - I think the average person probably needs Nearest Neighbor more often than Interpolated

EDIT: I realize now this request is for INPUT smoothness, which is not what I’m after :slight_smile:

I think it would be nice if there was a general settings option for default interpolation for TOPs!

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@bengr35 You can find this under the TOPs section of the Preferences Dialog in the 2022 versions of TouchDesigner. Currently Fill Mode and Viewer Smoothness are available here.

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Thank you!