need to import a .max file in Touch

It’s not imported by Touch. Can anyone point me to some conversion software that’s either cheap or free? While I need this, it’s a simple object and once in a while translation (ie. there’s a software out there that costs $400 what would do it… too much!)


Can you not output the file as FBX from 3dmax? … d=10775855

oh sorry - forgot to mention I don’t have 3dstudio max . this is a silly little hummingbird .max object I found free on the net - and need for a test (nothing but a hummingbird would do!).

just need to bring the darn thing into Touch!

if anyone has 3dsmax out there and can do me a favor of converting it, I’m attaching the zip here!

thanks thanks thanks!
dani (587 KB)

I’m pretty sure I can get an fbx version for you today at some point

here’s the fbx. it is only a conversion of the .max model. there were other files in the zip that looked like they included motion, unfortunately my 3d guy doesn’t have the time to do anything more with it.

hope it helps!
hummingbird.FBX (7.31 MB)

hello ! i have the same problem… could anyone convert this file to fbx for me ? i would be wonderfully grateful :))

thank you sooooo much !

(you need to add the https:// before the link, otherwise i couldn’t post my question