New DAT: FileinfoDAT

Hi Team,
I am alredy realy liking the mediaFileInfoDAT. (Would love to have a numFrames row which I can feed directly in to the timerCHOP though).

But, it would be nice if we could also get a generic fileDAT which oberserves a file and des two things:

  1. Give us callbacks like onDelete, onChange to be able to react to changes to the file. Right now we can hack something kinda with a folderDAT or a regular fileInDAT with Refresh on, but not ideal.
  2. Give us generic MetaData of the file like the Details-page of the windows explorer.

I simpy found myself often enough in the situation that I have a single file I am obersving, but not handling it in a node itself.

I agree, I’ve also want to react via callbacks to file status changes…

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