Newbee Question, why doesn't that work?

Hi, I am following an old tutorial by bileam tschepe (elekktronaut) on Youtube – “Text Textures – TouchDesigner Tutorial 9“ At 5:56 I want to connect the null to the geo, but in the moment when I draw the connection the input of the geo disappears and I am unable to make the connection.

Any idea what‘s going wrong?


Operators can only be directly wired to the input pins of other operators of their own type.

In your screenshot it appears that you are trying to connect a SOP (blue) to a TOP input (purple).

Without knowing what’s happening inside the geoCOMP it’s difficult to determine how to proceed from here. If you want to route your SOP data into that COMP you’ll need to add an inSOP to the network inside it.

Hello and many thanks. Your answer was the right kick in the direction to ad first a SOP and than the geoCOMP to get the SOP input. In my network in the screenshot I had tried to do it in the reverse order.
Thanks a lot!