nice clean visual bass kick instead of shaky image

hi all,

i’m getting a basskick on one of the channels and getting a value between 0 and 1 like 0.0567 for instance…putting that on the scale para of a sphere with the export chop to give a visual kick…problem is that this is shaky due the different values…i thought of using the filter chop to clean out the values and get a nice clean stead visual kick but no progress…whats the best way to minimize the values and get an object that reacts perfect to a bass kick ?

Depends on the workflow, but smoothing even more might help, and if not you could attach the kick to a Logic CHOP set to “On while value changing”, then connect that to a Trigger CHOP and make your envelope in there.

Hi Elburz,

A ok will give that a go today, thx


Hi Elburz,

got nice vid online what i so far managed…got basicly only the treshold delay in the “Trigger” chop. … 8362124158

Looks pretty cool. Did you figure out the rest of the Trigger? You mainly want to set the Attack, Delay, Sustain, and Release. I usually set all the other options to Linear, for personal preference.

But from the looks, you seem to be getting pretty consistent kicks. So maybe you just need to scale your input data via a Math CHOP, then send it to a Lag CHOP or Filter CHOP to smooth it out. What was the issue you were having with this method?

will have a look what the filter chop could do for me but indeed the math and trigger chop is already giving me good result. next step is would be cutting a piece from the data and only use that part like from 0,0 to 3,0 only use from 2,0 to 2,2 or so…i guess the filter could do that.