The wiki doesn’t list one, but I need to disable cooking on a container which contains a large network that only needs to be processing when I tell it to.
The wiki doesn’t list one, but I need to disable cooking on a container which contains a large network that only needs to be processing when I tell it to.
By the way, I CAN currently bypass the container, which in the performance monitor seems to affect the number of active nodes. But just for a little context. I have 1 container for each song we will do live. I need to make the appropriate scene active when we are playing its corresponding song. I’ve figured out how to do all of that, but I want to completely turn off all other containers so I don’t waste resources. Will bypass do that or is there a preferable method?
If you aren’t using the output of those nodes, then you don’t need to disable them from cooking as they won’t cook anyways. The only types of nodes that will cook even if nobody is using their output is nodes like Audio Out, Touch Out CHOPs.
Check the performance monitor to see whats cooking first, and see if you can just avoid it by not using the outputs anywhere.
Hmm, well the answer in my specific case would depend on what you mean by “using”. E.g…actively or passively. The containers do in fact all have outputs. They are all going to a switch SOP in which the index will be set to the index of the scene I want playing…which,again,depends on the song. So, to sum it up, I have 5 containers which contain large networks which need to render and output their product. Each containers output needs to go into a switch so that I can choose a “scene” in the middle of a set. I just want to make sure while one is running, none of the others are.
Yup, so the switch will only cause the one that is chosen to cook.
Is that true in both performance and designer view or just during performance?
Its true in any case. However if the inputs to the Switch operator are currently displayed
in a network (for example) that would also cause them to cook, as the tile operator
aims to display up to date data.
Basically among either cases, a node is cooked whenever its contents are requested.
Be that through a tile display, or as input to another tile display that needs it, etc.