Noise amplitute dependent on exponent

Something that always bothered me a bit: Shouldn’t amplitute and exponent be applied such the amplitute is still valid for exponent != 1? Amplitute is currently not effecting anything when exponent is 0.

Ignoring for a moment that any number raised to the 0 power = 1, I find it reasonable that different algorithms will apply a generic exponent parameter at different stages of computation.

For example, if you’re looking at the noiseCHOP, the default ‘sparse’ algorithm does produce different values for amplitude even when the exponent is at 0 but, the default noiseTOP algorithm (‘simplex 3d’) returns 0 for amplitude 0 but 1 for all other values.

Yes, my take would be to first apply the exponent and then the amplitude a.

a*(x^0) = a