After a few hours, the Noise CHOP stops putting out samples when running in timeslice mode. I’ve included a simplified version of the rest of the network in case the problem is actually related to a different component.
noisetop.toe (4.41 KB)
I’ve had a similiar problem I’ve been meaning to post about. In my case the the noise chop doesn’t send any values in timeslice mode when the project is loaded. I have to uncheck/check the timeslice checkbox to get it working again.
I’ve tried to reproduce this using your case but haven’t had any luck yet, I’ll keep trying.
I couldn’t reproduce it either with a fresh project. In my case the noise chops are deep in networks that are initially turned off when Touch is loaded. After I turn on the comp it’s in and I go to select it is a mod source is when I find out it’s not cooking. I tried duplicating the bug with a more simple setup but it didn’t happen. I can send you my project where it does happen. Let me know if you want me to and I’ll email it to you.
Could you send it along so we can try to reproduce it here?
Do you know if when you navigate to the network with the Noise CHOP, does it start outputting again? Is it still cooking?
Here is the project it is happening with. I’ve saved it viewing the network where one of the noise chops is located. To work fully, the project needs another Touch project, and Ableton and a Max project, I think though that you should be able to see the noise chop problem without the others. If not let me know and I’ll send a .zip with the others.
The Noise CHOP is creating values on startup for me here. Maybe I need the other files? You can send to if you’d like to keep them private.
thanks Ben, I’ll send it in next week. It’s going to take a little bit of work to get the projects to run properly on another computer.