noise cleaner

I`m having texture,this texture contain white chunks and the rest is black.
There is nice way to remove chunks that smaller then N pixels ?.

for example:
How i can execute
if neighbors of a pixel P in the radius of R are “black” then

Any solution will be welcome.

There’s probably a way to do that with [url][/url]

A blur followed by a contrast adjustment, applied as a mask to the original image?

Hi !
thank you for the ideas,
the blur\sharpen thing is a really nice trick but i think not enough thanks cod65.
wonder what can be achieve with the convolve…

isn’t the convolve idea the same as the blur idea? why isn’t blur + contrast +threshold enough?

Take a look on this example.
I think in some cases the Blur\Contrast is not enough.

What you think about the second method ?
(besides it might be very slow.)

clean_noise_question.2.toe (6.47 KB)

blob tracking can report the size of a ‘blob’. Might be too computationally costly, but there might be something there. I opened it up and messed with it a bit, but forgot how it works for the most part :wink: But I do remember it can report the dimensions of contiguous areas.

But what convolution kernel would you use? I think I don’t understand the convolution idea if it’s not a blur you would want to achieve via convolution.(which indeed would be much more slow)

I think this is what it does… … ample.html

well yes I know what convolution is, it’s just that i think you plan to use the convolution top with a kernel that creates something like a running average filter, essentially creating a blur. If that’s not the idea, then I don’t get it :slight_smile:

no clear idea.
I`m just wondering for now,Its behind my knowledge scope.