I don’t think this would be considered a bug but I did think that maybe it should be documented or changed.
If you want to offset noise in x, y, or z (translate) you need to offset by a value of 4 to get to the edge of the current texture - when aspectcorrect is off (otherwise the aspect ratio needs to be taken into account). This tells me the input space is 4 units in size (in each dimension)
I could see a value of 1 making sense or even 2 (-1.0 to 1.0) but 4 seems to be quite arbitrary. Of course the default period would need to be adjusted to get the same frequency in the default state (if the input space had a size of 1.0 period would need to be .25).
Here is an example displaying that if you translate a number of noise tops by a factor of 4 they will line up perfectly.
NoiseSizeExample.toe (7.0 KB)