Not Saving / Not Loading

Hi there

I’m using touchdesigner 2018.25850 and recently purchased a comercial license. I save the project and re-open it and it gives me this warning message: “Load Project .toe: name.toe load erros: No such File or Directory.” It even happens with files I’m 100% sure that works.
This problem was happening even before I purchased the comercial license.

Does any one know whats is going on?


This is more likely due to Unicode characters being in your folder names or file names in your path. These characters are not currently read by TouchDesigner. Try saving the file to a location like C:/ just to test this theory, and name the file with ACSII characters a-z or numbers in the filename.

Our next major release will support unicode characters.

same problem. i use TD normally on two different PCs. recently i got a new one and i receive " no such file or directory" massage on all files (old ones and new ones i produce in the new PC). i tried all suggestions posted in the forum. any solutions? :unamused:

What build are you using? The 2019.10000 series of builds (latest officials) support unicode, so there shouldn’t be a lot of these messages. Can you save/load to C:\ ? Does the default startup file work?