Notch TOP Exposed Camera Bug

Hi Guys,

I’m trying to make a demo for Notch workshops showing Touch integration for 3D Mapping. If I expose my camera in Notch and then plug in a Touch camera into it it doesn’t match my TouchDesigner scene. Everything is flipped in Y by 180 degrees and the geometry is backwards.

To recreate the issue…

Download the project here: [url][/url]

You’ll see in add1 the scene doesn’t match. If you rotate geo1 180 degrees in the Y axis and set it’s Scale X to -1 then the camera is now correct and matching touchdesigner.

Thanks for the report, I can see the issue.

Also, the dfx file is saved under a trial version so I can’t open it with a non-trial license.

Was your house.obj flipped when you imported it into Notch Builder? I can’t open your dfx file so I can’t verify.

When I imported house.obj into Notch Builder it was completely flipped versus in TouchDesigner because of the different forward Z axis. Flipping the Z-axis when importing house.obj fixed the issue for me.

It was yeah. That’s part of the issue too I think. The axis is completely inverted. I had flip z axis turned on in my file.