Had to find a way around this, so in case anyone finds this post later, I ended up solving the problem a couple different ways:
I wrote my own word wrap code in Python that manually inserted the breaks after a certain number of characters. It’s not foolproof (doesn’t work if you just have a single really really long string with no spaces), but it might be useful. I’ll post below:
def wordWrap(line, lineWidthInChars=30)
lineMod = ""
lineTok = line.split("\n")
for l in lineTok:
spaceTok = l.split(" ")
count = 0
for word in spaceTok:
if count + len(word) >= lineWidthInChars:
lineMod = lineMod + "\n" + word
count = len(word)
lineMod = lineMod + word
count = count + len(word)
lineMod += " "
count += 1
lineMod += "\n"
return lineMod
I used a TextSOP and was able to get better bounding information that way.
Sorry I can’t help with your original question, but I thought I’d mention it because I’m using it on my current project. It’s a one-liner that returns the output lines in a list with appropriate newline endings.