Number padding for moviefileout --> me.fileSuffix

Hey there,

for working with image sequences it would be quite helpful if it would be possible
to get number padding for the names generated by me.fileSuffix.

At the moment it’s name.1.1.exr to name.1.100000.exr
but it would be great if it also could be name.1.000001.exr to name.1.100000.exr

Some software doesn’t read it as imnage sequence if it is formatted as it is now and it is cumbersome to have to rename it. I have looked for this option but did not find it.

One could add padding with python and i can adress e.g. me.fileSuffix[0] but I can not do me.fileSuffix[0-6] which makes it impossible do to it reliable in Python (at least for me : )

>>> n = 4
>>> print(f'{n:03}') # Preferred method, python >= 3.6


A little bit arround the corner, but thats the quick and dirty solution I came up with :wink:
'mymovie' + me.fileSuffix.replace( str(tdu.digits( me.fileSuffix )), f"{tdu.digits( me.fileSuffix ):07}")

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Around the corner works like a charm! Thank you for looking into it : )
(Still would be a good feature!)

and, there is a little issue…

it works fine, except for the frame whose number is the same as the first digit…
as in:


Hey. jumping in this old thread. any news on when this might be implemented? am having the same issue as MXZEHN re file number and frame number. thanks