I am building a simulation for a future installation using Nvidia Flex Solver to represent my cage and the balls. However I don’t have thousands of balls but only a few, like 20.
Therefore I am wondering, is there a way to control the number of particles in the Nvidia Flex Solver comp? In the actor comp? It seems I can only control their size and behaviour but not the total number.
Thank you so much for your help
Have you taken a look at the Operator Snippets for Nvidia Flex Solver? There are numerous example there that have 100s or 1000s or a dynamic number of particles.
Hi Ben,
Thank you for the quick reply. Yes I read that “The number of fluid particles is equal to the number of instances created from an instance OP.” However when I try changing the number of divisions of my Box (linked to the Actor Instances), I get and error: all OP must generate the same number of instances, I am not sure which OP that means.
Thank you for your help.
That error would indicate to me another OP is also being used for instancing parameters (maybe on the Instance 2 or Instance 3 pages?) and when you change the number of points in ins, the other OP no longer has the same number of points.
Hard to say without seeing the other parameters, post your file if the above doesn’t help.