Nvidia Flow documentation

Has anyone developed a good documentation for Nvidia flow inside TouchDesigner?

Im looking to create some of the features shown in this video:

loading in a 3D shape as emission source
loading in a 3D shape as collision source

I figured out how to load a 2D shape layer, but its odd to do this because when you rotate the sim, its kind of extruded the 2d shape in 3D space.

I’d rather use multiple 3D shapes as well but not sure the voxelization if its better to use individual sim containers for that as opposed to one giant container with multiple emission points.

If someone can point my nose in the right direction would appreciate it, maybe its supposed to be more obvious than it is?

Arbitrary 3D shapes are not yet supported. We do plan to add support at some point though.

Thanks for letting me know Malcolm. Looking forward to seeing what happens when that happens.

here is a test I was playing around with just a mouse input.