I’m seeing a high increase in CPU usage when a OAK-D pipeline is initialized. Even the most basic one from the OAK chop. Both in macOS and Windows.
The TouchDesigner process goes from 20% to 120% usage after initiaizing the pipeline.
I tried with os.environ["DEPTHAI_WATCHDOG"] = "0"
to avoid ‘pinging’, but it didnt change anything.
Any idea what can be going on?
Yes, latest official.
Tested both in Win11 and macOS Sonoma.
My workaround right now is to use UVC as the output node in depthai, but that brings some issues with it.
Hi @VanTa,
I can see mine going in a empty TouchDesigner from 0% to 7% with a started OAK Device CHOP on win11. Can you let me know your hardware setup - and just to make sure I understand correctly - taskmanager in windows is reporting a 120% utilization?
Hi @snaut ,
you are right, I was reading the values wrong on Resource Monitor in Windows. it goes from 0.2% to 1.2 % not 20 to 120.
On macOS though it does consume quit a bit. See screnshots. I changed the resolution of the depthai node and it doesnt seem to affect much the results.
thanks for looking into it
Hi @snaut
did you had a chance to check the performance in a mac?
Let me know if there’s anything I can help with.
The CPU load in macOS is greatly reduced in the newest release: 2023.11760
Thanks a lot!!!