Hello, for a project I want to do object detection in touchdesigner with the script sop. I was wondering if anybody tried that or has experience with it. Because I have a very specific question.
Thanks in advance
I think you would say Script Top (not sop)?
Yeah exactly. Problem is the translation of the touch image into the algorithm. Did you tried something like that before?
I doesn’t understand exactly your question, which algoriithm you want to use? OpenCV? Other?
I doesnt use script Top (at the moment, perhaps I will change my mind). I prefer to use GLSL Top with Compute Shader where I can do what I need at the moment. With a good graphic gard its very fast.
On the last experimental TD ther is an operator snippet for Script Top, perhaps you can start here?
Replace the imageFrame in your yolo code with the op(‘your operator’).numpyArray()