Object node 101

I`m trying to use the “Transform” option in the object node…

Only the translate variables are functioning …
seems like a bug
What I`m doing wrong ?

added example,
thanks for the help.

object_node_101.toe (3.77 KB)

Looks like specifying objects by channel only uses the tx,ty,tz.
Instead of the full transform. This should probably be expanded.

In the meantime, if you have the original geo objects, you can enter them directly in ‘Target Object’ and ‘Reference Object’ to get the full transformation.

Does that help in your case?


It helps for “object_node_101_f.2.toe” case.

but take a look on “object_node_202.3.toe”
I want to multiply transformation matrix with the object transform.
using the results to override the object transform.

basically doing everything in chop level and only then use the results on other nodes…

or in short doing what i did in “object_node_101_f.2.toe”
with only chops…

its for knowing the transform of a point relative to different cameras in space.

any idea ?
object_node_202.3.toe (4.18 KB)
object_node_101_f.2.toe (4.05 KB)

I think the correct approach is to extend the CHOP version to use all the channels.
But in the mean time you could always take those CHOP channels, export them back into dummy Objects, and use those in the Object CHOP ?

Thank you for the fast reply Rob,
Yeah for the meanwhile that’s what I did…

I also practice my skill on solving it by doing it with python.
not sure how to continue and if my math is in the right way.
anyway, educational wise its interesting :slight_smile:

thanks again.

object_node_202.11.toe (4.7 KB)

Hi Barakooda.
Interesting approach. Only limitation may be a speed hit relative to the CHOP method.
I have gone ahead though, and extended the Object CHOP to work with all the transform channels, not just translate.
It will be in an upcoming build, after some testing.

Great !