Anyone use this device with Touch Designer? Wondering if you have had any compatibility issues?
Anyone use this device with Touch Designer? Wondering if you have had any compatibility issues?
pinging @GRNCH, I think you’re using one with TD?
If you are referring to the EntTec Octo Mk2 LED Pixel Controller:
Then yeah it almost certainly should be compatible since it accepts Art-Net, sACN and KiNet, all of which TouchDesigner can output. I haven’t actually tried one in person, but I have used other EntTec LED Pixel devices with TouchDesigner (Pixellator) and they work fine, so I can’t see any reason their newer Octo devices would not.
Both @nettoyeur and @Peeet are correct. I use this controller with no compatibility issues. Are you having a specific issue?
No, I am about to buy one. Thanks for the reply.
Yes, this one. Thank you.