Offset shape when mouse over, then return (with inertia)

Hi All,

My first post…

Looking for a little advice on where I might start build something like this in TD. (I created this rather crude mockup in C4D to pre-viz). The red circles indicate possible user interaction and simply offset the circle in Y axis (per node).

I’m certain this must be doable, but can it be done straight out the box OR i need some complex python to add this sort of behaviour?

Essentially I’d like to have an array of individual circles placed into pre-defined layouts.

Once formed I’d like to add some interaction where-by users can interact to displace these separate circles thereby affecting the forms, then have them return to their original position, with some inertia / spring if possible.

Down the road I’d like to control this using a Leap CHOP, though for now even mouse interaction would get me on the right track!

Even after watching hours of great tutorials I’m stuck as to where to even start with this, but I like a challenge!

Any pointers /tips greatly appreciated!

Warm Regards,
offset.mp4 (7.22 MB)