On Raspberry Pi 2

If Windows 10 is coming to the Raspberry Pi 2 for free…

Maybe Touch too…??


Apparently Windows 10 will be a free upgrade for all Windows users. We’ll have TouchDesigner ready for Windows 10 once its released.

I doubt the rasp pi 2 will be able to run Touch, even if an ARM version is compiled for it, as the graphics hardware would not be suitable. Unless I’m totally mistaken?

+1 for making this work. Huge potential here!

it might be feasible to build a poor-man’s triple-head-to-go using several rasp-pi2 to slice up your video image for a bunch of screens. people are already using them for digital signage.

I’ve thought that a “slim” version mainly for data stuff/simple touch panels etc would be amazing.

I am definitely curious to see how this works out too.

I could see a platform like this being a really cost effective way to do simple animation stuff for perhaps an led art installation… or perhaps reading sensor data and manipulating it via chops, etc. maybe.

Most led projects dont come anywhere close to even 640x480, so for something where a network is only a couple hundred or thousand pixels worth of data might perhaps do ok on the cpu?

Then again there might also be a bottleneck on writing to the serial port on a slower device… not sure! Definitely testing this out though the price point is hard to beat.

Hi all,

i’m talking with the staff of udoo (i know personnaly the guys) because soon will launch the udoo x86 board with a windows 10 support and 10 times more powerful in front of raspberry pi 3

Yesterday i’ve asked some test for touchdesigner and now i’m preparing some tiny test to run on the board :slight_smile:
Udoo x86 has a 100% arduino compatibility

i’ll give you more information asap :slight_smile:


Michele Di Pasquale

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