OP Snippets

OPSnippets.toe contains a few hundred examples of Operator know-how that we can examine or cut/paste into our TouchDesigner projects.

NOTE: OP Snippets are now built into TouchDesigner via Help → Operator Snippets.

Each example is a tiny sub-network, arranged by Operator family and type.

All feedback is welcome.

*** .toe file deleted: Use the latest that is in TouchDesigner menu Help → OP Snippets. ***

PS: If you have a snippet you’re willing to share, you can send a .tox file to: snippets@derivative.ca. Thank you in advance!

This can be summed up by 2 words: Freakin’ awesome! :astonished:

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought about doing this to get a good idea of what’s going on within each of the Operator families’ nodes.

Great job!
Thank you.


Damn! and I was just thinking of switching off the computer and going to bed…

thanks Greg.


oh wow.

is this the best thing ever?

it is.

This is incredibly helpful!!

OP Snippets
Thank you very much.
Will help a lot …

A very cool thing!

I found some discrepancies though, take a look at OSC In DAT, when you merged UDP In DAT and UDP Out DAT into OSC In DAT, some names got messed up causing demo not working correctly

Hi 3dbill.
How are you using the input of the OSC In DAT.
Looks like it expects a single column of decimal values.

Thank You! This is incredibly useful.

I’m with Barakooda.

When this was an email list instead of phpBB, I would often search for attachments in my email archive. There is still no way of searching phpBB for attached files and, as far as I could tell, no extensions that do it. it would be great to be able to search for .toe files. my email search string was has:attachment -bug :slight_smile:


AWESOME …was looking for somethin like this :slight_smile:

Hey all,

If you have a snippet you’re willing to share, you can send a .tox file to:


and we’ll attempt to work it into the examples.

Much appreciated in advance, and thanks for the feedback.

Amazing thanks a lot Greg !
this will help a lot the beginners and confirmed Touch users @Moment Factory ! :wink:

Great stuff Greg!

WOW! Thanks so much. This makes it so much easier to learn by example. This should be included in future builds as the visual help section.

Look for it in the Help menu of future builds 15000+

Awesome~ :ugeek:

Never before 400kb could make me that happy! :wink:
