Open Animation Editor in Perform mode?

Is it possible to open the Animation Editor in perform mode? I’ve searched but I can’t find a Python or Tscript command.


Hi Keith. Sorry I posted in the wrong thread earlier.
Unfortunately, the Animation Editor layout is tightly coupled to the editor, so its not designed as a floating window.

Ah I had a feeling that might be the case.

thanks for the clarification


I was wondering if there are any updates to this functionality? It seems that you can actually use the animation editor in perform mode. In editing mode you just have the animation editor open and then just make a floating copy. Then enter perform mode and now you can use the editor in perform mode. Is there now a command to just open it directly in floating mode?


hey keith,

any joy on this? I’m trying todo the same thing …



Actually I did recently although it’s a little tricky.

I’ve successfully been able to open the animation editor in perform window along with other UI components by using a select COMP to select the master Keyframe editor in /ui/dialogs/keyframer. Then I use a script to set it’s proper height and width, to disable some of title bars and change it’s current path to the animation component it’s editing.

I’ve found one problem though that I haven’t had time to look into but should be relatively easy to fix. When adding more channels than the current size of the window the scroll slider doesn’t appear/work. I’m sure this will be relatively easy to fix, I imagine I’ll just have to find the script that enables the slider and trigger it with some arguments.

Here is the script I use to to initialize and set the keyframer:

[code]path = op(‘path’)[0,0]
w = op(‘settings’)[‘width’,1]
h = op(‘settings’)[‘height’,1]

keyframer = ‘/ui/dialogs/keyframer’
keyPath = ‘/ui/dialogs/keyframer/clippath/string’

op(keyframer+‘/channelheading’).par.display = 0
op(keyframer+‘/graphheading’).par.display = 0
op(keyframer).par.w = int(w)
op(keyframer).par.h = int(h) + 14
op(keyPath)[0,0] = path

group = op(‘group’)[0,0]
select = op(‘…/…/keyframerSelect’)
if group == ‘None’:
select.par.selectpanel = ‘None’
select.par.selectpanel = ‘/ui/dialogs/keyframer’[/code]

The script will initialize the keyframer based on couple of DATs called “path” and “settings” for the path to the animation component and the desired width and height. The script will also set the select comp’s path to the keyframer.

hope this helps!

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I’m trying to use multiple animation editors in a project and I would like to make a UI to switch between them and use it in perform mode.

As this is a post of 5 years ago I was wondering if anything changed sinds than?

With kind regards
Gertjan Biasino

I put /ui/dialogs into my path in touchdesigner and made a Tox of the keyframer component that I can import in my project and modify as I wish. So far it seems to work.
The lazy solution would be to simply copy one keyframer component for each animation window you need. The other would be to find and set the keyframer/clippath/string operator in order to use the same keyframer for all animations


Reviving this old topic that really helped me!
Currently using Touchdesigner to build a custom -C4D/AE style- 3D animation tool.
I think after all these years, the Animation COMP needs some more love,
One of the underrated part of TD, it wouldn’t need much to reach awesomeness!

Had to go through a little war to put the editor in UI, based on the tips of keithlostracco (thanks!), but wasn’t enough since channels wouldn’t display on start.

So, in case someone ever needs it, I’m sharing what I came up with :

run(cmd1+", "+cmd2, delayFrames = 3 )

Running this in a startup Execute DAT, coupled with a Select COMP set to “/ui/dialogs/keyframer” , it does the trick.

Anyway, if you guys from derivative read me, it would be great if you had time to polish the Animation editor, thank you so much for you work !