oplocate/constant chop refresh problem???

I’m trying to make a panel have the x,y and size the same as the oplocate for the container operator.

so there’s a container,
inside it a constant chop with

panelx arg(execute(“oplocate …”),1)
panely arg(execute(“oplocate …”),2)
panelw arg(execute(“oplocate …”),3)
panelh arg(execute(“oplocate …”),4)

the constant is piped to a null that exports the channels.


I see values exported that seem to make sense, but they never refresh as I move the container.

any clues?


BTW the same happens if I drop a table next to the container, type in

execute("oplocate mycontainer")

then pipe it to an eval dat.

I have to force cook the eval dat to make the evaluated results change

Offhand I assume it’s that we don’t really have a way to add dependencies for commands. The execute expression runs ‘something’, but there’s no way for it to tie itself to the target of the command and figure out what events it needs to react to.

I see.

Interestingly enough though, force cooking the constant doesn’t refresh the formula results.

force cooking the eval dat does.

I would think that force cooking a constant chop would re-run the evaluate, no?

Anyway, I can get around this - I don’t need a frame by frame update. I only want to take advantage of Touch’s oplayout command - I can put the values into dats, then force cook them after running the oplayout command.


You may also trigger a script from the “Op Execute” DAT which can be triggered on a specific node’s UI changes “On UI Change”.


intereseting - so the UI change trigger is the position and size of operators within a given network?


Yup, thats right.