opparm -p ... bug or feature?

I have a constant chop, followed by a trail chop, in a new file
I have a script:
opparm -p constant1 value0 ( 1 )

when I run the script, I see the constant viewer change, but the trail does not record the value change (it’s always 0).

I tested this because I wanted to trigger a script with an opparm -p, but it didn’t get triggered, then I tested this simple case and it still looked like it didn’t work.

Is -p only partially implemented, and considered only internally by the operator instead of being propagated (i.e. only for “init” kind of buttons?) for a single frame as - I believe - it should be?


-p will reset the parameter back to it’s original value before other nodes have the chance to react. It’s meant for things like the Reload or Reset parameters in nodes.