Optimize the TD while in the performance situation

Does anyone use Touch Designer for live performance? Loading multiple comps and outputting one scene(switch Top), sometimes severe lag occurs in the switching comps. I want to do it live instead of outputting it as a video, but I tried various things to avoid stopping(freezing) occasionally (force cooking / making custom performance system), but it is difficult to live smoothly because there has a similar problem, when the cook signal is turned off or turned on again. I am using 2060 max-Q, and when I try the monitor, only the graphics and ram are very high(almost 100%). I am wondering if there is a way to solve this problem or if there is a need to increase the hardware. Really need help for the situation…

I recommend scenechanger.toe Bare Bones Scene Change Show System You can swap between COMPs and use middle mouse button to verify that unnecessary scenes aren’t cooking. If you’re going to make your own solution, I recommend not doing anything that allocates textures or toggles allowCooking/bypass.

Another important thing is that disabling the render parameter on a Render TOP doesn’t stop it from cooking. You should put a switch after the Render TOP and connect a constant TOP to its second input. If you hide the op viewer of the render top and switch the input, you can confirm with the middle mouse button that the render top stops cooking. You shouldn’t need to toggle the render parameters on individual Geos. op('geo1').render = True and op('geo1').par.render = True


Oh I need to check more about the Scene change system,
I have to test the details, I think It would be a great solution for me, because my performance system quite a high resource so sometimes I have troubles to change scenes.
Do you have any idea / references about recursive cooking? and I have a personal question to you may I send a message to Facebook message or via mail??

forceCook is stylistically bad. What do you mean by recursive cooking?

You shouldn’t do

for child in ops('something*'):

I will PM you.

Also there was a recent workshop on scenechanger. TouchDesigner Vol.035 Cooking, Optimization, & SceneChanger | Derivative Maybe you can find a way to watch it.

Hey Gyuchulm, I made an online course about optimizing TouchDesigner scenes for performance or exhibition situations. I also refer to the Bare Bones Scene Change Show System DavidBraun recommended and go through a bunch of optimization and organisation tips: