Hi everyone! I just started learning TouchDesigner as i figured it would be a great tool to use for my thesis project in ixd. In the network below, i’ve followed elekktronaut’s tutorial on pixel sorting, and would like to switch the ‘Feedback Top’ to another operator (if possible).
My intent is to control the animation (pixel sorting) with values i receive from an Arduino (FSR-sensor), as opposed to triggering the animation through the ‘Pulse’ button inside of the ‘Feedback Top’. The idea is that when a press i detected, through the FSR-sensor, that the pixel sorting starts and vice versa (e.g freezes when not pressed). I’ve managed to make the connection between Arduino and TouchDesigner through the ‘Serial Dat’, and transformed the received values to 0 and 1 with the help of the ‘Math Chop’. I just need to find something other than the pulse button, since it loops through the animation (pixel sorting) at once and not in intervals.
Hope this makes sense and thanks in advance! Also, if you have any recommendations for learning materials on these topics i would greatly appreciate it!
from the screenshot and example video I would say you want to control the parameters of the Displace TOPs. But maybe also post your project and we can see if there is a nice solution.
Okay, thank you! I’ll experiment a bit with that TOP then! (update: i’m having a difficult time, i think the easiest way would be to work around the pulse, but idk how…) I’ve added my project as well in case you have time to take a closer look!
if i lock one of the TOPs (e.g. difference, displace, add) i get the effect i’m after. the question then remains if this is possible to control through input (e.g. keyboard in)? (update: no that does not seem to work either, since it will still be controlled by the pulse (based on time/launch as opposed to the values received from the arduino).
the value to control is the Displace TOP’s “Displace Weight Y” parameter. In the attached example I exported a slider value onto it and with setting the slider to 0, the effect “stops” while increasing the slider value, the effect starts going again.