I am trying to send a OSC message from a Windows to a Mac computer and the other way around. But I dont revieve the signals. Both computers are connected to the same router via WIFI.
I set up the oscoutCHOps with the the IPadress of the other computer and enter the networkport 10000.On the oscinChop I only enter the networkport 10000. l I have turned the windows firewal off.
What am I doing wrong? Or is it not the the way to go?
OSC is a great way to communicate between machines.
There are lots of places these things can get off the rails, so there are a few steps you can take to make sure things are working.
First, it’s good to do a ping test between computers - you can do this from the command line or terminal. Making sure you can actually get a responsive from both machines before trouble shooting TD is often a big time saver.
I’d start there to make sure everything is talking.
Thanks for the hint.
I tried ping from windows to Mac,… 50% loss packages
I tried ping from mac to Windows, 100% loss packages (it says “host is down”)
I turned off the wirewall on both devices. Looks like I have to first solve this ping problem.
I’ve lost a lot of time in my life to trouble shooting something that a ping would have helped me diagnose. We’ve all been there.
Also worth trying a wired connection first, then moving to wireless - if your devices allow for wired connections.
OSC is UDP based, so it’s also worth checking to make sure your router isn’t blocking UDP traffic (this doesn’t usually happen on home devices, but if someone else is managing your network i.e. a school or business, some UDP traffic is blocked).
I can imagine that, Methew. And its somehow good to hear so, that someone with such a talent in TD like you also went through hard times.
About the router and UDP… I dont think this is the problem, since I have sucess in talking via OSC from TD to multiple Arduinos and back via WIFI, as well as between two Arduinos. I really wonder whats blocking that Ping.