OSC IN, how to solve queue_retarded_total problems ?

i have some OSC data coming in from a Max for Live patch, i noticed that when i put an info CHOP after the OSC in that the queue_retarded_total is increasing steadily, even when no OSC data is coming in … time_queue_under_min_target ramps up from 0 to 60 in a continuous cycle

the value of queue_retarded increases by one exactly every 3 cycles of time_queue_under

i stumbled onto this because i have the impression that there are some notes i am sending over OSC missing …

what do i make of this, the manual states that queue_retarded should noot be increasing, so i guess i have a serious problem ?

This occurs when its not getting enough data to output at it’s full framerate. If the sending app is only sending 10 OSC packets a second and it’s trying to output 60, then it’ll be in this state. Similarly if there is no OSC data coming it at all then it’ll be even more so in this state.

This is only an issue if the data you have coming is animation/time ramps that need to be perfectly smooth. If it’s just discreet data (such as triggers) then it’s not such a big deal.

Hi Malcolm, thx for your quick reply !

i’m sending midi note data but also controller data (fader/encoder movement), so i guess i would benefit from a higher OSC resolution ?

i have no idea if i can adjust the outgoing packet rate in Max 4 Live but will investigate …
