i’d like to benefit from TauCeti Preset Manager, and trigger the interpolation between values and update my controller on tablet in real time.
I can send form my TD osc out chop to my TouchOSC app the value of a fader to “update” it,
But for the XY pad, i can’t make it … any idea how i sould proceed to send XY ?
how would you merge the datas from TauCeti Preset Manager and from my controller?
What would be the best strategy to target a parameter both from TauCeti and my Osc in chop ?
I manage to record fader position in tauceti,
and update it in Touch osc,
but though seems a bit unstable while recording…
I have not used a OfftoOn to trigger constant 2 parMode.constant as tauceti seems to do it on his own…
Thanks for your feedback
( still blocked in sending xy to touch osc/ still searching for ways to pack all this with Tauceti preset manager outside the base…) PresetOSCbetaforum.toe (413.4 KB) https://www.attracteuretrange.fr/dl/atej/Presetoscbetaforum.tosc