Osc out to TouchOSC xy control > receive feedback from TauCeti preset manager

i’d like to benefit from TauCeti Preset Manager, and trigger the interpolation between values and update my controller on tablet in real time.

  1. I can send form my TD osc out chop to my TouchOSC app the value of a fader to “update” it,
    But for the XY pad, i can’t make it … any idea how i sould proceed to send XY ?
  2. how would you merge the datas from TauCeti Preset Manager and from my controller?
    What would be the best strategy to target a parameter both from TauCeti and my Osc in chop ?

here’s the touch osc file and TD,
the fader works fine
but XY pad doesn’t receive any osc command to update remote position from TD

oscoutxytest.toe (5.2 KB)
the Touch osc file: https://www.attracteuretrange.fr/dl/atej/tosc_in_td_xy.tosc

many thx

I manage to record fader position in tauceti,
and update it in Touch osc,
but though seems a bit unstable while recording…
I have not used a OfftoOn to trigger constant 2 parMode.constant as tauceti seems to do it on his own…
Thanks for your feedback
( still blocked in sending xy to touch osc/ still searching for ways to pack all this with Tauceti preset manager outside the base…)
PresetOSCbetaforum.toe (413.4 KB)

maybe going through a table would be better to write and read fader value from different places and interpolate?