[OT] Links to fabrication or construction help?

Does anyone have any links to methods to make simple projection mappable sculptures? I’ve seen some uses of origami… but that’s about it.

I feel like some more solid substance would be better.


We’ve used wood with success. Depends on the size. Construction paper and tape can work too if its easy. Fabric covering aluminum welded frames works as well.

What kind of sculptures are you making? Some materials will work better for certain things.

We have just CNC milled a full-scale human replica derived from laser scan data. Surprisingly good value in comparison to other methods.

Awesome! CNC milled out of what?

A large grid of geometric shapes, to answer the other question.

I’ve been a big believer in foam core. Easy to cut at home, transport and set up.
But none of my installs were large enough to require a structural frame.

Oh, +1 +1 +1 to Markus’ foam core. I used his idea once and it was super easy to work with and incredibly easy to hang and mount on things because its so light. Light enough that I was able to mount sheets of it to fabric for an install using just some loops of Gorilla Tape on the back.

CNC milling with a pretty durable (we hope) composite material. Can also CNC polystyrene quickly and cheaply.

Cool, thanks guys. Ordered some foamboard stuff for experiments…

CNC’ed polystyrene (or fancier) for bigger projects? What do I look for to find someone local who can do that?


I dont know where you are but we have a company called MakLab who do all kinds of digital fabrication at a low cost :[url]http://maklab.co.uk/about/[/url]