I try to save pointCloud image of kinect using pack, but I obtain some strange vertical lines after unpacking. I tried with Animation, Hap(alpha) HapQ (alpha) and had the same problem. Cineform was not usable, fps dropping to 3…
kinectPask.tox (6.43 MB)
Hey Jacques,
it’s important you only use lossless codecs for this, otherwise you’ll lose data and get visual errors like these. For instance HAP is a lossy codec.
If you try with TIFF for image or Animation Codec RGBA for movie (which is the only lossless movie codec in TD) you’ll see the lines disappear.
also see the pack help page
I will try,
thank you
I retried with Animation today, the image is better but there is still lines and worst, fps is falling to 3 during recording, obtaining a very choppy unusable film. With HAP fps stay at 60
Not so bad spec for my computer: GTX 1070, core i7, SSD mv2…
For the moment I doesnt find any working solution.