Hello everyone.
I’m implementing the movieplayer palette component in a project for a live show.
I like it’s cue system and I’d like to implement a way to get the current cue index playing out.
I try to explain myself better. I will set several cues in the movie length.
While the movie is playing and the time header is passing thorough the cue markers, I would like to be able to use a button to trigger the last cue that has been crossed by the time header.
I could use midi to change the “Gotargetcue” parameter and trigger “Gotocueplay” but I would like to have the “Gotargetcue” updated automatically.
Thank you for reading and an help would be much appreciated!
Hi, You would have to get the table of cues (moviePlayer/mvspec/mvtab) out from from moviePlayer and compare the start or end times of each cue with the current time (that comes out in the third output of moviePlayer, a CHOP containing timer_seconds). With some DATs or CHOPs, you could delete rows whose start time < current time, something like that, leaving the cue you want in the second row.