
How do I use panelmargin? For example, in the attached file, I get a margin, but the contained panels are cut off at the top and the right?
Also, how do I define the color of the margin? I would expect that it’s the panel bg of the panel where I set the margin, but I just get a black margin.

margin.toe (2.6 KB)

Hey achim, I’m looking into this one, something is not right. Thanks for the example!

Hi Achim.

The color and background are still drawn over the full area, but the
inside TOP is now shrunk to the inside area.
Furthermore, aligning is now done in the inside area as well.

Look for this in build 1135 or after.


thx rob, sounds great. What about screenw/h? Is the margin also subtracted from it?

Also, could you please check out viewtopic.php?f=4&t=879&hilit=+layout , especially the layout.toe file. IMHO it should stretch “a” “b” and “c” to fill the whole available width if panelalignmax forces a “new row”. Also, shouldn’t the panelalignmargin also create a margin between “a” and “d” in this case?

Hi Achim. The screenw,h values ignore the margin parameters.

I’ll check out the other thread.


hmm, maybe they screenw,h should subtract the margin, as most of the time you want to show any children without “blocking” the nice border’s you set up via the parent’s margin. The internal layout engine seems to do this as well, so I think it would make sense to reflect it in the screenw,h as well. Same (but I didn’t check) is true for borders, if they are set their width should be subtracted from the screenw,h.Otherwise tons of expressions are necessary and things become messy again.


While lately using lots of manual panel layout via expressions (due to the broken paneloffset ) it’s indeed a pain that margin/borderwidths are not subtracted from screen[wh]. It always ends up in really nasty/long expressions.

Hi Achim.
Ive added ‘screenwm’ and ‘screenhm’ panel values that parallel the screenw, screenh values, except they also subtract the margins.
Look for it in an upcoming release.


very helpful. thanks rob!