Papervision out of Touch

Just curious if there was any way to export papervision/flash from Touch?

These guys are doing some really cool effects with Papervision and thought that it would be cool to do something similar with Touch.


Not sure what papervision is using as input or in what way you would like to hook them together but Joerg Unterberg developed a pre-viz application using TouchDesigner and AR-Toolkit Plus that uses marker based tracking.

[url]Touch Designer Pre-Vis Tool - Gallery - TouchDesigner forum


I was aware of the previz-art implementation of the tracking in touch. What was interesting to me about the papervision implementation was that the tracking could be done in Flash. Getting away from the tracking issue, I know that a screen cast could be made but having the ability to send output from Touch directly to the web and to even take input from the web through Flash or something would be interesting.

flash is getting more ‘programmerly’ lately so it might be possible to use the video protocol that the Touch_in Touch_out TOPs use to send and receive video streams to other programs, or to make a flash application that reads and writes to shared memory for the shared memory TOP. The latter might also be used for the augmented reality tracking and to feed the data and image on to touch for compositing.

Check out the Gallery section in a day or so. I had trouble uploading the video from work but will try from ome soon (not tonight, going to see Kraftwerk live! :slight_smile: )


oh! you so lucky!