pargs updated by shift please! or ${arg[2-$argc]}

here’s the issue I keep running into, and why I think the addition of $pargs didn’t solve it or go far enough:

macro mymacro run myscript $pargs

in myscript:

set name=$arg1

now I want to call another script (which takes a VARIABLE number of arguments)

passing it the remaining parameters

if pargs was affected by the above shift (but it’s not):

run $name -l -pt $pargs

#if I could index the arguments (as in the subject line) also great (but I can’t):
run $name -l -pt ${arg[1-$argc]}

but right now I’m stuck. I cannot:

run $name -p -t $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4 … etc. until an arbitrary max… $arg30

because if I only pass the first couple of arguments to mymacro, the remaining may have
undefined values from other calls to other scripts.

basically I have to try and rebuild the $pargs string based on $argc - which is a mess because of the way args are rightly grouped incoming by " "

so there you have it, it’s still awfully difficult and time consuming to do the above properly,
which I do on a LOT of scripts.
