Particle Sections

Does anyone know of any resources or a way to do multiple particle systems based off of a grid SOP so that they are all within one file, just next to each other?
I’m hoping to MIDI control each individual section by note.

Hey @onliwancanoli - can you say a little more about what you’re up to here? Better yet, do you have a toe file that you can share with some initial exploration? It’s often easier to help give folks a push when you can see what they’ve started with.

Sure! I have attached what I have here. I tried moving the grid and camera on the second set of particles but they don’t seem to be moving and the geo frame isn’t showing anything at all.
I am trying to attach 4 to the same render.

particles.6.toe (6.8 KB)

It looks like you have one grid that’s transformed WAY away from the camera:

I think if you adjust your transform you’ll be able to see both.

I adjusted and am still unable to see both. Should I make a change within my transform numbers or the camera?

Your transform SOP is where the numbers were hugely different. Look here to see if this makes sense:
particles.6.toe (6.8 KB)

Yes! Thank you so much.

Glad that helped you get your pieces in the view of the camera.