Particle SOP birth causing jerky movement

I’m emitting particles from a single point (an Add Sop)

Using the Particle ‘Birth’ pulse button to birth a particle when a chop goes to 1.

But every time a new particle is birthed, it ‘pushes’ the other particles forward.
So you get this jerky movement. It’s subtle but definitely there.

This doesn’t happen if you have the same Particle settings but use the other birth parameter.
But of course then you can’t birth one particle.

paticle_jerky.toe (4.0 KB)

Anyone seen this or have a workaround?

Hi @lyallmarcus,

looks like it is triple cooking the particle SOP when you hit the Birth parameter which then causes the other particles to move forward so much. Thank you for the example and I logged this as a bug for us to have a look at.
