Particle SOP not working


I am new to TD, I am wondering why an error appears when using the Particle SOP. Error states that “not enough sources specified” what does this mean?

If you click the question mark in its parameter window you open the documentation page of the Particle SOP:. If you read that you’ll see on the second line:

In Touch, the points of the input geometry are used as the starting positions of the particles.

So just add some SOP geometry to the first input to make it work - try a Sphere SOP.
See many examples how to use this operator under Help->Operator Snippets → Particle SOP

I have added a sphere SOP as my first input and referenced how Particle SOPs are used via Operator snippets, but i still can’t seem to get it to work. Should i be adjusting/inputing any parameters for the sphere SOP?

Make sure the sphere SOP primitive type parameter is not set to “prim”, e.g. set it to poly .

Hi, the particle SOP managed to work when I right click and insert it from the sphere SOP. Thank you all for the help !!

hi, i have the same issue. how can i insert the particle sop io the sphere? right-click is not work for me :joy:

Right click the Particle SOP and choose: Operator Snippets. That will give you several examples how to use the Particle SOP

Hey Nettoyeur, I saw your answer and followed this, and saw there are many examples. But I think my question is too basic, I’m new to TD, could you explain more for me? I have a screenshot. 截屏2021-04-20 下午4.37.49|690x293

ok @momotree, more basic:

  1. place Sphere SOP
  2. place Particle SOP
  3. left click on output of sphere SOP, drag the wire to first input of Particle SOP
  4. done

It makes sense to me. I think I dragged the wire to the wrong place. appreciate your help. I guess I need to find some basic toturial about the interface and operation. Big big thanks.