Particles direction

Hi there!
I’m trying to figure out how to make particles move around a body’s surface. This would be a good example for what I mean- … 7,6.09,325
Here the particles move around the surface of the the sphere (instead of shooting out of it).

As I understand, paricles move according to the direction of the normal vectors. Is there a way to change this? Or change the normal’s direction? (how do I do that?)

I’m very confused :confused: would appreciate any help

buenas tardes soy nuevo y poco se del programa, me pueden decir como puedo mover un diseño en 3d de una esfera con el kinect?
muchas gracias.

particleSOP: the 3d emitter of a particle sop will use the normal for the initial velocity, to change those normal your would use a pointSOP and change the normals there.

Your example: It would be much simpler to have your sphere texture rendered then mapped on a sphere. You can use forceSOP and metaball to create vortex.

Else you could also use some kind of direction texture/vector field in glsl.

I dont know how to make particle really move ON a 3d surface though :frowning:

Thanks for the fast reply!
I did try mapping before but it didn’t seem so good.

I wanted changing the normals the way you suggested but since math isn’t my strong suit I’m not sure what should I change them to be :confused:

I wish I understood GLSL better, probably would have made my life easier now…

buenas tardes alguien me puede decir
que son las funciones TOP del diseñador táctil para kinect y como puedo mover las ventanas de windows con kinect ciendo el mouse.
o como convierto el kinect ver 1 en mouse para windows.

buenas tardes alguien me puede decir
que son las funciones TOP del diseñador táctil para kinect y como puedo mover las ventanas de windows con kinect ciendo el mouse.
o como convierto el kinect ver 1 en mouse para windows.