particlesGPU color from moviefilein

Hello Touchdesigner community,

I have a basic misunderstand with particleGPU node.
My goal is to have a particle emission on top of a movie file (position and color connected to the source).

I try to input a movie file directly into particlesGPU node (1 : particle source 2 : particle color)
Color a represented but not in place.

When i connected the first input (particle source) it create a small amount in the middle.

So i also try the technique with a grid to spawn point on a rectangle. It give me a diagonal line.

I try the optical flow and everything work fine. So i don’t understand why the color is not at the right spot.
Please someone can explain ?


particlesgpu is a 3d system, so i assume it needs 3d info. try putting an image in a point transform and put that into the source and sourcecolor inputs of the particlegpu.
i’m not sure how this would work with a movie. you can create your own pointcloud perhaps by feeding images into reorder and that into a point transform.

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Thanks for the respond.

Actually it is working like this inside the particlesGPU.

I try that technique but the resul is the same all the point are still condensed in around a position.

while testing you might want to make your particle system very basic ie a circle or square with no forces. try making it smaller as well.
ii would also try having a separate point cloud for position and color. if you want a grid of particles, i think you can make one with gradient ramps on x and y piped into the red and green , and just white into blue.all into point transform. this is off the top of my head, but give it a try.

Thanks !

I manage to do something by following this tutorial : Colorful Circles

Here is the workflow :
Create a rectangle
sprinkle point
sopto then chopto connect to the particlesGPU input source
moviefilein into a fit to make it square (like UV)
Color to Particles
use a limit to normalize the point position
connect the limit to the second input of the remap and the color fit into the first input.

Now everything is related to the pixel space. The chopto and the fit need the have the same resolution.
Then i connect the resolution to the spinkle with this expression in the Number of point : op(‘fit1’).par.resolutionw * op(‘fit1’).par.resolutionh.

That is almost working but… If go more than 512x512 the FPS drop down.
So i think it is not the good way of computing point.

Any idea ?

keeping it in tops might help. see example (quick sketch)

img2particlegpu.toe (481.2 KB)

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Thanks you so much. It seems to be much more simple.

The only think now is that i can’t tweek the render particle area.
I spent the day looking to reshape the square spawn size and didn’t succeed.

I’m so advanced to understand the all particlesGPU component. :nerd_face:
Do you think it is possible to connect the moviefile size to the particle render shape ?
