Pass Filter CHOP weird artefacts

Hi All,

I have been playing around with filtering audio signals.

I have an audio input chop, which then passes to a ‘pass filter’ CHOP which goes directly to an audio out.

Whenever I enable the pass filter, the audio signal gets distorted with significant clicks and bleeps.

I’ve uploaded a sample to youtube that might help better explain the situation.

I found a similar issue when manually creating a filter in the frequency domain (via spectrum chop), by taking the frequency output, multiplying by a curve and then converting back to the time domain. …


Thanks for the report, there are some known issues with filter CHOPs that are not working correctly with audio signals, the Pass Filter being one of them. Sorry this caught you out.

Does anyone know if this problem has been fixed? I am having trouble getting the Audio Filter object to work as intended.

What version are you working with and what problems are you having exactly? Can you post an example?
To answer your question: Yes, it should be working. The whole audio CHOP thing has been updated and extended recently. As far as I know, the filters should work now.