'Pause' and 'unpause' a Speed CHOP

So finally have a better understanding on how the Speed CHOP works. Thanks Markus!!

The last step in my interface requires that I somehow ‘pause’ and ‘upause’ the Speed CHOP output value. Anything I’ve tried, pulsing the Reset parameter, using the 2nd Reset input, etc end up resetting the value back to zero.

Perhaps there is a hidden answer in the documentation but cannot see it Speed CHOP | Derivative

Multiply the input by 0 will pause, multiply by 1 will play, right? Multiply by -1 to go in reverse!

Thanks. That seems simpler than another possible answer discovered after looking at Operator snippets
use op(“speed1”)[0] expression in Reset Value and a 2nd Constant or Button feeding 2nd Reset Input changing from 0 to 1.