Hi everyone!
First I would like to say how impressed I am with the magnitude of people willing to give helpful advice here! I have been doing research on the Internet for a couple of days now but failed to find the answers in one place, most of the information I found was scattered, inconsistent and in some cases felt dated. I scoured Google and Reddit and only now realised that the best place to find information is to contact the community itself. I would like to apologise in advance for a topic that’s bound to receive “someone has already asked this” comments, but would still like to get some input based on my specific situation and requirements.
I’ll preface by saying that at the moment my knowledge of computer components, systems required for my envisioned work and general understanding of installation logistics is close to none. I am a musician first and have been using a very wide array of hardware and software tools throughout the years. Thus I’m fluent in my knowledge of hardware audio gear as well as Ableton DAW, I am also in the beginning stages of learning to integrate Max MSP with my projects and to develop further ideas. I feel like the latter comes a bit easier to me than an average user since I’ve spent a number of years tinkering with modular synthesisers, I already have a number of cool ideas for audio installation work and can imagine how to bring these ideas to life on a technical level. About a year ago I discovered TouchDesigner and my mind was blown, visual arts were always very close to my heart and are an inseparable part of my identity as an artist. As I rinsed through the free tutorials available on this site and YouTube I began to integrate TouchDesigner in my projects, mainly by making audio/midi reactive visuals to accompany not only my music but my friends bands as well. Just to clarify, I have never received payment for my work with the free version of TouchDesigner, not because it’s not allowed, but because the limited resolution makes me feel insecure (pretty bad mindset I know, but we all have our illogical flaws haha). So far the computers that I am using for my projects are: MacBook Pro 2015 for Ableton and MAX an old ASUS ROG gaming laptop for Blender and TouchDesigner. I have connected TouchDesigner to Ableton via a LAN cable and so far haven’t had any hiccups. I have yet to figure out how to connect MAX to TouchDesigner, but it’s not a priority and I am sure it’s easy to find on these forums. My other setup includes a couple of midi controllers and hardware samplers and a 1080p projector that I carry under my arm whenever I have an AV performance.
One of my biggest worries in life is that I’ve spent years wasting my life away on jobs that have no long-term value and sacrificed my time delivering food or making sure rich snobs are pampered, instead of actually being paid for work that I consider my hobby and that allows me to hone my skills and pick up new ones as I work. NO LONGER! I am happy to say that I’ve accumulated enough wealth to purchase a commercial TouchDesigner license and build a proper PC that would accompany me to gigs and art installations.
Now that we know each other a bit better here are my questions, requirements and concerns regarding building a good enough PC, performing, fulfilling commissioned work and other technical challenges I do not know exist yet. I find it absolutely confusing coming from no coding / technical background into the world of TouchDesigner, particularly the lingo and technical terms are what gives me nightmares.
- TouchDesigner commercial license:
- I am completely confused as to how people make money using TouchDesigner, I realise that people get paid for performances, art installations, standalone applications. However how does that actually happen? Does one bring their own PC to a gig or an installation space and just plugs in an HDMI cable? How about larger scale performances like festivals that have multiple projector/screen setups that are not necessarily a 16:9 format but can be an abstract shape with a built in display?
- How does one accommodate for long-term or permanent installations? Does that involve the client paying for a dedicated PC that will permanently stand in the space tucked away in some corner? Wouldn’t that be horribly expensive for just some permanent interactive play area in a kindergarten as an example? If that’s the case, who’s responsible for launching said installation everyday or restarting it if the power goes down? And is the standard commercial license enough for that?
- TouchDesigner and TouchPlayer. Why does one need to purchase a TouchPlayer license? Is it solely needed so that the other person couldn’t access the project you worked so hard on? Or is that what’s used for the client to launch the “application” everyday? What if there are multiple installations across the country that need to be running permanently, does one need multiple TouchPlayer licenses for that?
- Media Servers. If someone would kindly explain the general purpose of media servers for TouchDesigner work in simple words?
- Building a TouchDesigner compatible PC.
- My budget is up to €4000.
- The computer will be used to run Ableton and TouchDesigner simultaneously. I have been reading the three articles under the “HOW TO SPEC A TOUCHDESIGNER PC” name, but honestly it left me with even more questions. As I understood (and correct me if I am wrong) TouchDesigner is very CPU intensive (of course depends on the project), however Ableton can be very CPU intensive as well especially with third party plugins. Is it wise to run both programs on the same machine, how does one avoid hiccups and stuttering? Since I have no other options but to run both of these softwares at the same time, what CPU should I opt for?
- GPU’s. The GPU topic is one that brings me nightmares, and not only because of the price, but mostly because it seems like I want the best of both worlds. Let me explain. I am an avid gamer and the PC that I want to build has to be not only a gigging / interactive installation powerhouse but also a gaming machine that will run anything fully spec’d out for the upcoming 3 to 4 years. But while researching I discovered that while games run great gaming GPU’s (duh) TouchDesigner and other professional graphic softwares benefit from workstation GPU’s more. And unfortunately with the limited time that I’ve researched these topics and almost tore my hair out in despair it does not seem like there’s a middle ground?
- Multiple screens. This falls under the GPU category. From what I understand gaming GPU’s are not the best when it comes to performing on multiple projectors and screens fluently and without an occasional stutter? I am not sure if it’s a stupid question but at what number of displays does this become an issue? Does Nvidia G-Sync for gaming GPU’s play any role in making sure this doesn’t happen or happens less often?
- Portability. I travel a lot, I often have gigs in different countries and flying with my gear is always a hassle. Currently my ideal setup is a beautiful, modular 19inch rack that neatly houses my music gear, PC, and a retractable monitor and a keyboard with a trackpad. Something that I could roll out of my apartment without having to disconnect and later reconnect a million cables, a true plug-in-and-play baby. I have also been looking into some great solutions like PC’s built into suitcases and rugged flight-cases that have integrated monitors/keyboards. Also, do such cases have a specific name since they are so hard to come by with just a google search? I will attach some images of the cases that inspired me below.
- Space, temperature and vibration. With the requirements and ideas listed above I am becoming increasingly worried about the following: Is it a good idea to build gaming/workstation grade pc into repurposed 19inch racks or flight cases? How do I make sure that there is enough space for components and that it’s easily accessible for future component upgrades? What if I want to upgrade my GPU but it’s significantly bigger than the previous one? What about cooling, how do I make sure that the computer will not overheat while performing outside in summer or in a cramped warehouse? If the computer is always with me on the stage does it risk to be damaged or the performance to be affected by large quantities of vibration and if yes, how do I eliminate it? And most importantly how do I build something like this without even seeing a RAM stick on it’s own, meaning I have absolutely no experience in building machines like that, especially in weird chassises.
The last word. Dear friend, if you are still reading this and haven’t been enraged by my possibly noobish questions then you truly deserve a medal. I hope there are enough kind souls that are willing to help me out with this puzzle. I find myself in quite a scary place because there is so much information and so many aspects that I seemingly need to consider and I simply don’t know where to start and which straw to grab at this point. If you see that I lack knowledge that is considered basic in the TouchDesigner community and the professional world of interactive art, please do let me know where I should start my journey to get to know this exciting world a bit better. I am a music nerd but not a computer wiz and ultimately I just want to make art and enrich people’s lives with experiences that they would not soon forget. My urge to delve deeper into the world of interactivity and code-art comes from a place of joy and curiosity, and so far my curious ass is frightened by how much I don’t know.
Thank you for your patience!
EDIT: Forgot to add images.