PDF of Documentation?


In learning different subjects, I’ve found it extremely helpful to load manuals and PDFs into ChatGPT or Claude so I can ask questions (great for musical gear, appliances, my car etc). Is there any sort of combined document or PDF that would suit this purpose? I know the docs are updated frequently so it’s a bit of a moving target, but it would be very helpful.

I’ve tried hacking together GET calls to the Mediawiki API and combining individual HTML files but that’s becoming more of a project than I’d like :slight_smile: . I saw mentions of offline documentation but wasn’t able to find it. Any suggestions?

Hi @manewitz,

we scrape the documentation for every published build of our wiki and deliver the resulting webpages in the TouchDesigner install folder under “\Samples\Learn\OfflineHelp”

Hope this helps

Hey Markus, thanks for getting back to me. That was my understanding as well but I’m looking at the directory inside the app package now on my Mac and it’s empty:

I checked the last 2 Mac build downloads and am not seeing it there either so that would rule out something specific to my computer/configuration.
missing offline docs:

looks like the oldest Mac build (2023.11290) doesn’t have it either.

Hi @manewitz

This is logged for a dev to look into it,

In the meantime, here is an archive of the windows folder.


Thanks so much!