I’m using a switch and cross to switch an image to video every time a blob is detected. This works well in the designer mode, however, the switching does not show up in perform mode. What could the issue be?
Sometimes an issue with cooking can happen only when you are not looking at the node viewers in the network. Try turning off all the viewers in your network (select all nodes and press top-left viewer button on one) and see if the problem happens.
The easiest way to analyze this and figure out a fix would be to see your file. Post it here or if it’s private send it to ivan@derivative.ca and I’ll take a look.
This bug has been reported.
The workarounds are either to use the num_blobs channel in an infoCHOP or to force the infoDAT to cook. Both are shown in the attached file
face switch.7.toe (20.7 KB)