Maybe it’s not a Touchdesigner problem but i ran out of ideas.
I have a big project using 10 projectors in 1 computer (Nvidia RTX A6000). The outputs are distributed right now with 2 Datapaths FX4(4 projectors each) and 2 projectors connected directly to the GPU.
I configured the outputs in the Nvidia Control Panel / System topology to use a EDID file instead of the monitor one as default (exported the EDIDS previously and loaded them according to the output). I have used that in previous projects so if a projector signal goes off Windows does not rearrange the outputs and the performance window keeps its correct position and it usually works fine.
But for some reason in this project the performance window suddenly goes to a single output for no reason. As far as I know using EDIDS by file should prevent this from happening. I need to resend the performance window so it looks correctly again
Does anyone has encountered this problem before? I ran out of ideas on how to fix this
Windows 11
TouchDesigner PRO Player 2022.29850
Nvidia Drivers 527.27
What do you mean? It happens once and then “I need to resend the performance window so it looks correctly again” fixes it?
Window COMP setup? How is the layout of your monitors and the Window COMP?
When I “repulse” the perform window button (open as perform window) it goes back to normal.
The window is set to “Specify Monitor”
And all those values come from a config file.
My temporal solution is to “repulse” the perform window button when I detect a change in the outputs (seems to be working) but I thought that using the EDIDs by file in NVidia prevented the outputs to change.
Following because this sounds concerning.
Did you try redoing the setup? Any chance there is a missconfig in there somewhere? What does “Multi Display Coning” mean here. Quick googling sais this is in relation to multiple displays connected via a single displayport.
Second: HAve you tried setting everything up as a single window via mosaic? It might help as a bandaid, but still, wondering where this behavior is stemming from.
This is a remote setup so I can’t really replicate the problem here, I’ll go there again the next week, I’ll try to check all the configurations again, maybe reexport the EDIDs but all I can see remotely looks fine. I’m not sure about the Multi Display Cloning, maybe is for a daisy chain setup? I haven’t used that before.
I can’t use Mosaic because of the different resolutions of the outputs, If I had 3 datapaths instead of 2 and the single projectors I could do that but for budget reasons we just have 2 datapaths. I would love to setup everything with mosaic but unfortunately I can’t
I can’t say why its happening from here, we would normally always use Mosaic when running Quadro/A-series cards.
It could be as simply as a projector sleeping or a cable run so long it is flakey, there are so many variables. Always start debugging from the output backwards. Disconnect the 2 projectors and run just the 2 data paths, then does the switch stop happening? If yes, add 1 projector back at a time, what changes? If no, it’s something else. Go from there etc.
I would try to exhaust all those test permutations first, but also mention that as good as software EDIDs are, they are not perfect. Commonly I hear reports that they usually work, but not always, maybe 80% of the time. One option for better reliability is to use hardware EDIDs. This company makes pretty good ones
But this might be in the same budget as another datapath, not sure.
Yeah, I wanted to use Mosaic but unfortunately there was no budget for another 2 datapaths, In previous installations I used Mosaic without a problem. I will suggest to aquire hardware EDIDs, that might solve the issue